Turkey Salad with Ginger and Lime Mayo

Serves 4

Preparation 10 mins

Cooking 20 mins


500g left-over roast vegetables, or fresh chat potatoes

700g left-over turkey (or flesh from 1 BBQ chicken), cut in chunks

½ bunch (250g) radishes, trimmed and sliced

2 stalks celery, trimmed and finely chopped

1/3 cup (50g) pine nuts, toasted (optional)

1 large avocado, cut in chunks

1 radicchio or treviso

Ginger & Lime Mayonnaise

¾  cup (225g) good quality egg mayonnaise

½ bunch garlic chives, finely chopped

2  teaspoons freshly grated ginger

Zest and juice of ½  lime

salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

2 tablespoons yoghurt (optional)


  1. Combine all mayonnaise ingredients and set aside.


  1. If using potatoes, cook  in a medium saucepan of boiling water until tender, approx 20 mins Drain and cool. Cut into halves or quarters depending on size. If using left-over roast vegetables, cut into 3cm pieces.


  1. Combine vegetables or chats, turkey, radishes, celery and pine nuts with mayonnaise. Mix  through gently but thoroughly.


  1. Divide radicchio leaves among four plates, top with turkey vegetable mixture, scatter avocado on top of salad.
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