Fish with Rocket and Anchovy Butter

Fish with Rocket and Anchovy Butter

Fish with rocket and anchovy butter is such a simple yet delicious recipes. I love this butter for its simple way of jazzing up a piece of plain white fish and for the wonderful bright green the butter goes as it melts on the fish.

Serves: 6
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 6 minutes


1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon (20 ml) extra virgin olive oil
6 large skinless fish fillets (e.g. snapper, gemfish or ling)
rocket leaves (arugula), to serve

Rocket and Anchovy Butter
8 large leaves rocket
5 anchovy fillets
100 g (3½ oz) butter


  1. To prepare rocket and anchovy butter, chop rocket and anchovies in a food processor. Add butter and process until smooth. Place on plastic wrap or foil and roll up into a thick sausage shape. Chill until required.
  2. To cook fish, melt butter with oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Pan-fry fish fillets for only about 3 minutes each side, until cooked through and opaque. Lift from the pan and flip over so that the side that was cooked second is uppermost on the plate. Place each piece of fish on a simple bed of rocket leaves, top with a slice or two of rocket and anchovy butter and serve immediately.

Lyndey’s Note: If there’s any rocket and anchovy butter left over, it will keep indefinitely in the freezer. Zap up chicken, potato or any type of fish simply by topping with a slice of this tangy butter.

Wine: An unoaked or lightly oaked chardonnay will balance the butter in this dish, without its taste becoming bitter because of the rocket.

Recipe from Lyndey Milan. the Best Collection.

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