Ten Top Tips To Make Christmas Day Easy



  1. Remember Christmas is about joy and sharing the hospitality of the table – so don’t stress. If everything isn’t perfect, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you serve will be wonderful if it is offered with good cheer.


  1. Plan and write a list of things to do – shopping list, preparation and cooking schedules – and put it on the fridge


  1. Spread the workload, give guests a task or ask them to bring something to take the load off you.


  1. To keep the turkey moist, always roast on a baking rack OVER stock or water


  1. Save the ham skin and drape over the turkey as you roast, still under foil. It will constantly baste the breast for you. Remove with the foil for the last half hour or so of cooking to brown.


  1. Keep the heat out of the kitchen. A covered BBQ works well for whole turkey or you can butterfly the turkey to flatten out and cook on the grill plate.


  1. Heat your plates to keep everything hot. You can put them in the microwave with a cup of water on high.


  1. Make sure your gravy is really hot – it helps keep everything warm.


  1. Put your wines in the fridge for chilling on Christmas Eve


  1. Make sure you open a bottle of sparkling shiraz!


Next week: Ten Best Uses of Left-Overs

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