What’s On in the Upper Lachlan | Quick go the shears at Laggan Pub
Supplied by Upper Lachlan Tourism
Laggan Pub Quick Shear
Quick Shears have become popular across regional Australia. The Quick Shear is as its sounds: it’s all about speed. Shearers from all over the region show up to earn the title of the quickest shearer in their category but the competition is tough, with the time to beat being only 25 seconds (recorded last year). Come out for the day, watch one of Australia’s oldest professions in action and enjoy a meal and a drink at the Laggan Pub.
 SHEEP’S BACK: The Quick Shear event is on again at Laggan Pub this Saturday afternoon.
- Laggan Pub – Saturday, January 19, 2pm, 02 4837 3208
Wind and Solar Farm Tours

 ENERGY IN ACTION: The first Gullen Range tour for the year will be held on January 22.
Guests should arrive at the Crookwell Hotel Motel Bistro by 11.15am. The tour bus departs promptly at 11.30am and returns at 1.30pm. Guests are welcome to enjoy a complimentary coffee or tea before the tour and a light lunch is served when you return.
- Tour dates are – January 22, March 19, May 21, July 16, October 8, November 19 – bookings essential. Phone 1800 509 711 or book online at www.gullenrangewindfarm.com
Taralga Rodeo & Gymkhana
 THRILLS: The Taralga Rodeo is held over the Australia Day long weekend.
- Taralga Showground – Friday, January 25 though Sunday January 27. For more information please visit www.taralgarodeo.com.au
Published by: Goulburn Post, 16 January 2019