What’s On in the Upper Lachlan | Quick go the shears at Laggan Pub

What’s On in the Upper Lachlan | Quick go the shears at Laggan Pub

SHEEP'S BACK: The Quick Shear event is on again at Laggan Pub this Saturday afternoon.

 SHEEP’S BACK: The Quick Shear event is on again at Laggan Pub this Saturday afternoon.

  • Laggan Pub – Saturday, January 19, 2pm, 02 4837 3208

Wind and Solar Farm Tours

ENERGY IN ACTION: The first Gullen Range tour for the year will be held on January 22.

 ENERGY IN ACTION: The first Gullen Range tour for the year will be held on January 22.

Have you ever wondered how the wind turbines work, or wished you could get up close? Gullen Range is offering free tours, starting from the Crookwell Hotel Motel. Staff will take you on a tour of the wind and solar farm, and you will be able to see how the farm works, and learn about renewable energy.

Guests should arrive at the Crookwell Hotel Motel Bistro by 11.15am. The tour bus departs promptly at 11.30am and returns at 1.30pm. Guests are welcome to enjoy a complimentary coffee or tea before the tour and a light lunch is served when you return.

  • Tour dates are – January 22, March 19, May 21, July 16, October 8, November 19 – bookings essential. Phone 1800 509 711 or book online at www.gullenrangewindfarm.com

Taralga Rodeo & Gymkhana

THRILLS: The Taralga Rodeo is held over the Australia Day long weekend.

 THRILLS: The Taralga Rodeo is held over the Australia Day long weekend.

Held over the Australia Day long weekend this is one of the region’s largest events. Cattle dog trials, stock dog challenge and three days of the State & Regional Yard Dog Trials begin on Friday, January 25. On Saturday, come and join in the Australia Day festivities and meet the Upper Lachlan Australia Day Ambassador Lyndey Milan, enjoy the horses competing in the gymkhana, junior rodeo with junior and novice barrel racing and yard dog trials. Saturday night is country music night so put your dancing boots on and join in the fun. Sunday  is not for the faint of heart when the senior rodeo championships get into action. Spectators are welcome to come for a day or stay the weekend with a variety of different styles of accommodation to suit all budgets. Bring a chair or a rug, pack a picnic or buy food on site and sit in the shade of the trees on the family friendly hills and enjoy the exciting action packed entrainment. There will be a variety of stalls and rides to add to all the weekends’ fun, along with barbecue food, drinks and bar service available all weekend.
  • Taralga Showground – Friday, January 25 though Sunday January 27. For more information please visit www.taralgarodeo.com.au


Published by: Goulburn Post, 16 January 2019

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