Celebratory Slablova

Celebratory Slablova

This Celebratory Slablova can be topped with any fruit or decoration you like. Decorated with green and gold, this is perfect for Australia Day.

Serves: 8
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking: 1 ½ hours (plus standing time)


6 egg whites (it’s easier to separate eggs when room temp)
1½ cups (330g) caster sugar
1 tablespoon cornflour
1 teaspoon white or malt vinegar

Lime curd
¾ cup (185g) caster sugar
6 egg yolks
125g unsalted butter, chopped, softened
1 teaspoon grated lime zest
¾ cup (180ml) lime juice (approx. 4 limes)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (optional)

To serve
300ml thickened cream
1 teaspoon caster sugar
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
10 lychees, halved and peeled
2 mangoes, sliced
¼ cup mint leaves
½ cup toasted coconut flakes


  1. For the slablova: preheat oven to low (120’C/100°C fan-forced). Line a large baking tray (approx. 40cm x 30cm) with baking paper.
  2. Beat egg whites in a clean large bowl with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Only then add caster sugar, a heaped tablespoon or so at a time, beating until dissolved (to test, rub some mixture between finger if too grainy keep beating until glossy). Then fold in cornflour and vinegar.
  3. Turn out onto tray; using a palette knife or spatula, spread the mixture across the baking paper (approx. 30cm x 24cm), building up the sides a little and creating a few tips and dips in the meringue as you go. (A wet spoon, spatula or palette knife helps.)
  4. Bake in very slow oven about 1 ½ hours or until set and dry. Surface should be dry to touch). Turn oven off and prop door ajar with a wooden spoon and cool in oven.
  5. For the curd: whisk egg yolks and sugar together until combined but not frothy. Combine with other ingredients in a heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Stir constantly, bring just to simmering point, approximately 5 minutes. Do not allow the mixture to boil or the curd will curdle. Stir for a minute after you remove it from the heat. Test by running a finger across the back of the spoon to ensure the curd is thick and does not run. Strain. Put into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap to prevent a skin forming.
  6. To assemble: Whip cream with sugar and vanilla. Spread a small spoon of cream on a flat serving plate. Place slablova on top then dollop on the curd and the cream, then the fruit.  Sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Lyndey’s Note: Lychees are in season in summer. If you are making this at another time of year, use tinned Lychees.

Other Dessert Recipes:
Summer Fruit Frangipane Tart
Spiced Orange Cakes
Chocolate Souffles

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