My Ultimate Mushroom Risotto

I love risotto and this one with so many different types of mushroom is THE best. The basic recipe is for a risotto bianco (with the addition of porcini mushrooms), the fresh mushrooms added later. Master that recipe and you can make any type of risotto. Vegetarians will want to use vegetable stock, so use a good quality one.

Serves 4
Prep and cook time 45 minutes

½ cup (125ml) boiling water
10g dried porcini mushrooms
3 cups (750mls) vegetable or chicken stock
3 cups (750mls) water
120g butter
50g (or more) enoki mushrooms
400g mixed mushrooms e.g. clouds ear, shiitake, Swiss brown, oyster, flats, buttons mushrooms, sliced into similar sizes
Few sprigs fresh thyme
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large (200g) onion, chopped finely
2 cups (400g) Arborio (risotto) rice
1/2 cup (125ml) dry white wine
small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, very finely chopped
½ cup (40g) grated parmesan cheese
Extra grated or flaked parmesan cheese to serve
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional)

Place water and dried porcini mushrooms in a bowl; stand for 15 minutes. Strain mushrooms and reserve liquid. Heat vegetable stock and water to simmering, either in the microwave or on the cooktop. Add porcini mushrooms and liquid. Keep warm.

Meanwhile, melt 20g of the butter in a large heavy-based pan over medium-high heat; cook enoki mushrooms until softened and browned lightly. Remove and drain on kitchen paper. Melt another 30g butter in the pan, add slowest cooking mushrooms first if using, like clouds ear, shiitake, then Swiss brown other mushrooms and cook until softened and browned slightly. Add thyme and garlic, cook, stirring, until fragrant but not browned. Remove from the pan and reserve.

Melt 50g of the butter in same heavy-based pan over medium heat; add onion, cook, stirring, until soft but not coloured. Increase the heat, add rice, stir to coat well with butter and “toast” the grains. Add wine and stir until all the liquid has evaporated.

Add stock, ½ cup (125ml) at a time, stirring between each addition until all the liquid has been absorbed and the rice is tender. (This step should take about 20 minutes).

Stir in most of the mushrooms, parsley, parmesan and remaining 20g butter. Season to taste with salt and pepper and stir until hot. Depending on how “wet” you like your risotto, add some more hot water (or stock). Taste and add lemon juice if desired.

Serve immediately, topped with enoki and remaining mushrooms, extra parmesan and black pepper.

WINE MATCH The earthiness of mushrooms goes well with the earthiness of pinot noir.

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