Real Spanish Gazpacho

Real Spanish Gazpacho

Real Spanish Gazpacho comes from Andalusia in Spain. Traditionally it would be made by pounding the ingredients together with a wooden pestle. This technique is at the basis of Spanish food. However, it works well using a food processor. An ideal chilled soup for the steamy summer months.

Serves: 4-6
Preparation time: 15 minutes


1 kg (2 lb) ripe summer tomatoes
50 g (1 3/4 oz) fresh white bread, crusts removed
2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
1 large red or green capsicum, chopped
1 small cucumber, peeled, deseeded and chopped
50 ml (1 3/4 fl oz) extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sherry vinegar or wine vinegar to taste
coarse sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

Garnish (optional)
small pieces of bread
chopped green peppers
chopped cucumbers


  1. First peel and de-seed the tomatoes: make a small cross by cutting with a knife at the top of the tomatoes. Plunge into boiling water for a minute or two. Peel the skin off. Cut in half and give them a squeeze to remove the seeds. Set aside.
  2. Make bread into breadcrumbs in the food processor. Remove. Chop garlic in processor and then add tomatoes, capsicum and cucumber and blend. Add the breadcrumbs and blend again. Gradually stir in the oil a drop at a time, the vinegar to taste, salt and a pinch of freshly ground pepper.
  3. Dilute with a little water and blend again. Sieve (if you like) and place in the fridge. Serve cold.
  4. Present the garnish in small dishes and place in the centre of the table for people to serve themselves.

Lyndey’s Note: You can make this all even quicker by processing the whole tomatoes with everything else and sieving before adding the breadcrumbs. These also make a great finger item, served in shot glasses!

Wine: Well, it’s Spanish so a sherry of course!

Recipe from Lyndey Milan. the Best Collection (New Holland 2009 and 2013)

If you enjoy this recipe, try my Traditional Paella

for a lighter tomato soup try my Tomato Consomme

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