

Tapenade is a versatile olive and caper spread. Originally from Provence, it takes its name from the French word for capers, but it relies more on olives than capers. Although widely available, it is very easy to make and so delicious.

Makes: 1 cup
Preparation time: 10 mins


1 cup (150 g) black olives, stoned
pinch of thyme
2 anchovy fillets
1–2 tablespoons capers (depending on personal taste), rinsed
freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons (10 ml) lemon juice
2 tablespoons (40 ml) extra virgin olive oil
Optional extras
1 red chilli, finely chopped
1 tablespoon Continental parsley
pinch of mustard


1. Combine olives, thyme, anchovies, capers, pepper and any of the optional items in a food processor.
2. Add lemon juice and then slowly add olive oil to make a thick paste. It can be as smooth or as chunky as you like. Keeps well in the refrigerator under a layer of olive oil.

Lyndey’s Note: Tapenade is wonderful spread on bread, Melba toast, bruschetta or focaccia or with anything char-grilled. It also makes a wonderful reduction sauce to serve with veal
or beef. Reduce 2 cups (500ml) beef stock, 1 cup (250 ml) wine, 1/3 cup (80 ml ) cream and 1–2 tablespoons tapenade over high heat until sauce is thick.

Wine: Choose any of the Italian varietals with a tapenade, which is both salty and bitter. This tends to accentuate fruit sweetness in wine. Alternatively, serve a pinot noir, a grenache/shiraz or perhaps a chilled fino sherry.

Use tapenade in Tomato Tarts with Fetta and Tapenade

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