Truffled Egg Pasta

Truffled Egg Pasta

Truffled egg pasta was made famous by Armando Percuoco at his Buon Ricordo restaurant. The dish was brought to the table and the runny-yolked eggs mixed through the past at the table. Here I have added fresh truffle too.

Serves: 2
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes


250g good quality pasta, e.g. spaghettini
125g good quality butter, chopped
200ml fresh cream
1 cup finely grated parmesan
2 eggs stored with truffles
Truffle, to serve
extra parmesan, to serve


  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil; add pasta, stir well to ensure it does not stick.
  2. Meanwhile, heat butter and cream in a large frying pan until butter melts. Simmer gently until slightly reduced. Add parmesan and stir to combine. Season to taste.
  3. In a separate small frying pan; poach or fry the eggs until just cooked.
  4. Drain pasta; add to cream mixture. Divide pasta between serving plates; top each serving with an egg. Chop egg through pasta and toss to combine. Shave over truffle and serve with extra parmesan, if desired.

Related Recipe: Twice-Baked Cheese and Truffle Souffle

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