Summer Baking Secrets Questions

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is the final episode of Summer Baking Secrets, Make sure you don’t miss it! I have left some of my favourite recipes to the end.

Ep6 Layered Hazelnut Meringue Cake - low res with logo

Lots of people have been asking about my fridge because of the fridge cam. I have loved my SMEG double door fridge. I hope you have all been enjoying my inside fridge cam. The one thing I love about my SMEG fridge is how accommodating the inside is. When I need to make a lasagna or even my naked cake for a party, I find it so easy to fit it into the fridge without having to take thing out.

LM Smeg (5 of 5)

The other thing you would have noticed during the show is the SMEG Oven. I have found this to be so easy to use. It sure does allow me to cook my Hazelnut Meringue evenly which you will see this episode.

LM Smeg (4 of 5)

L x

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